Now that Valentine's Day is here, I thought I'd share a quick mention of a story surrounding my favorite romantic movie, A Room with a View
When I was a high schooler, my sister started making fun of me for my enjoyment of what she called "tea-drinking films." In other words, costume dramas, usually set in England, that involved pretty clothing and people turning to tea whenever they needed a pick-me-up.

Immediately, we were greeted with the sight of three grown, naked men chasing each other around a pond. And I don't mean the American movie version of naked men. We saw it all—in motion—while they were running. We cracked up. Clearly, the manager of Vons saw the movie's case, thought, "Hm, a tea-drinking film," and had no idea he or she would be showcasing the male anatomy. In motion. While running.
In any case, it's a fantastic love story, naked men and all, and that scene in the amber Italian fields is one of the most passionate kisses on film.
I'm including a clip of the kissing scene below. The clip does NOT contain the scene with the naked men. Enjoy—and happy Valentine's Day.
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