I received suggestions from another critique partner (thanks, Kim!), and now I'm back to revisions for the rest of the calendar year. I feel like this stage resembles the challenges of assembling a jigsaw puzzle: scenes that I thought belonged in one place turn out fitting better in another, pieces of the story that I didn't even know existed show up, and some characters fit better when I view them another way.
I'll primarily be tackling character adjustments with my edits. I worked on my ghost over the summer after he wasn't quite working right, and I think I've strengthened him as a character, but other folks now need some tweaking. However, as daunting as the revision process seems when first starting out, I always find a
tremendous sense of satisfaction when everything falls into place.
I've been debating altering my working title (
Blackbirds), because it's currently too subtle. I have another, longer one in mind, although my agent mentioned that sticking to one-word titles seems to be the preference of editors of young adult fiction. What I think I'll do is increase the significance of blackbirds in the novel to keep my original title as a running candidate and see how I feel once I'm ready to submit.

In addition to hunkering down with revisions, I'm busy interviewing guests over at
Suburban Vampire. This week I chatted with novelist
Denise Verrico and
Vampire Mob creator
Joe Wilson. In the coming weeks, I'll be hosting
Jasper Kent
Marta Acosta
David Michael Slater
Jonathan Maberry
Janice Gable Bashman
, and
Sophie Littlefield
, the latter of whom shares my literary agent,
Barbara Poelle (and Sophie happens to be making her debut in young adult fiction with a novel called
in October!). I'm also hosting several giveaways. Definitely visit.
Wow! You're really putting a lot of work into this ms!!! I bet it's already awesome--looking forward to seeing the final result.
Are you going to the SCBWI New York conference in January? If so, want to be roomies again? : )
Thanks, Ara! I have a mystery at the heart of this book, so I'm having to be extra cautious about how I present everything so I don't blow it. Kim guessed the ending too easily.
I'll probably have to skip New York this year so I can save up for the Historical Novel Society's conference in San Diego next June. Kim and I are tentatively planning to meet for the first time in person there. Even though we owned a publishing company together, we've never met!
Perhaps New York roomies again in 2012? I'd love to go back again. Wish I could make it this year!!
Bummer! But I totally understand. If my mom wasn't footing the bill, I wouldn't be going either. You're on for 2012!
That's so nice of Mom to foot the bill. Let me know how it goes this year!
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